GM/CR&WR Requested Public
To Bear With The Rly Admin.
Motormen's issues are under active examination of the Fast Track Committee
Mumbai : In view of the proposed hunger protest by motormen on 3.5.2010, Central Railway General Manager, Shri B.B. Modgil, and Western Railway General Manager, Shri R.N. Verma addressed a Press Conference at CST Mumbai on 1.5.2010. Media was briefed about the following points:
* Motormen of Central & Western Railways have given a notice that they will hold a hunger protest (driving the trains without having taken any food) w.e.f 6.00 hrs of 3rd May 2010.
* Their demands mainly relate to higher pay and allowances. Sixth Pay Commission recommendations have been fully implemented. They are demanding higher pay than recommended by Sixth Pay Commission and some additional allowances which are not in the recommendation of Sixth Pay Commission. However, their demands are being examined.
* Their agitation is not supported by any recognised unions and associations of the Railways.
* Regional Labour Commissioner held a conciliation meeting on 29.4.2010 and has advised them not to resort to the hunger protest w.e.f. 3.5.2010 and has fixed next hearing on 12.5.2010.
* Central & Western Railway Administrations are in continuous dialogue with the said motormen and are persuading them not to resort to such action and are hopeful that the Administration's appeal to the motormen will be properly understood by them and they will not go ahead with their agitation.
* In case it happens, the local train services may be affected adversely.
* State government authorities have been requested for augmenting the road transport facilities and bandobast as standby.
It was also stated that the Hon'ble Railway Minister Mamta Banerjee held extensive talks regarding motormen's issue with MP Shri Anandrao Adsool on 28th and 29th April 2010 and explained that the issues are under active examination of the Fast Track Committee.
Both the General Managers expressed that Railways are making the best of efforts to resolve the issue and requested the Public to bear with the railway administration and cooperate.
Di vi sion al Rail way Man ag er (DRM), SEC Rail way, Bi laspur Mr. C B K Singh was smok ing at pub lic place i.e. Umaria (MP) Rail way sta tion on 24.03.2010 on the oc ca sion of in tro duc tion Ma hara ja Express Train in Ma haraja style in drunk en con di tion in the presence of his junior officers, railway staff and media persons.
This video taken by ETV and was shown on ETV (Madhya Pradesh) NEWS on 25.04.2010. This reveals the real image of Indian Raiwlays. Are these the steps of Indian Railways towards the Indian Railway Vision 2020.
If the rule framing authorities ( for concerned railway) would not abide by the law then who would stop the others from smoking at Railway Stations/premises.
Why action was not taken by higher railways authorities against DRM for this act/violation of rule under Section 167 of the Railway act 1989?
Why any action was not taken by the civil authorities (i.e. District Collector, etc) under Cr.PC 133(a).
Railway authorities and civil authorities should take appropriate action to give lesson to the government servants as well as civilians.
Hope that the Minister for Railways, Ku Mamta Banerjee would look into the matter and would take steps for image building of Indian Railways.
Smoking DRM Video may be seen on this link -
Thanks for your good comments and suggestions.. now come on my another blog named and give there your valuable suggestions about my indefinite hunger strike for the betterment of India Railways..
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