Friday, 5 February 2010

Grievances-6th CPC. Injustice to

Jr. Admn. Grade Officers (Rlys.)

I am ex. Dy. Chief Accounts Officer, from Western Railway, Mumbai, retired on 31st July 1995. I have submitted following representations on the above subject, but have not received any reply from any Govt. official so far nor have the grievances been addressed. It is possible that similarly placed and aggrieved Jr. Admn. Officers from Rlys. and other G.O.I. ministries must have submitted representations, but I am not aware. However,I am aware at least one similarly placed Rly. Officer, who retired as Senior Divisional Accounts Officer from SCR has submitted his representation.

I submitted my first representation on 12-1-09, to Hon’able Dr. Manmohan Singhji,

The P.M. of India, who was holding Finance Portfolio at that time, with copy to Mrs Somya Raghavan, Financial Commissioner (Rlys.),Head of Accounts fraternity in Indian Railways. (copy enclosed).

I submitted my second representation on 4th March 2009 to The Secretary, [Staff Side], National Council [JCM], 13-C, Ferozeshah Road , New Delhi (copy enclosed].

Next representation was submitted on 22-7-09 to Shri Prithviraj ji Chavan, Hon’able Minister for Pension, G.O.I. [copy enclosed]

Next one was submitted on 23rd Sept. 2009, to The Chairman, Departmental Anomaly Committee, AND Adviser [Staff], Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi . [Copy enclosed]

Next representation was submitted again to The Chairman Departmental Anomaly Committee, AND Adviser [Staff] Railway Board, Rail Bhavan as there were new developments.

Last representation has been submitted to Madam Mamta Banarjee, Hon’able, Minister for Railways, G.O.I. on 30-12-09.[copy enclosed].

It is submitted that request for information asked under RTI to know the reasons for improving only Selection Grade to Pay Band-4 and excluding JAG, though both JAG and SG were recommended in Pay Band-3 by the 6th CPC, has also been denied on the grounds that it is not possible to segregate the information asked from the records. [Copies of replies received in this regards are enclosed.]. It is pointed out that functions, duties, responsibilities etc. of JAG and SG officers in Rlys. are same.

It is requested that the matter may kindly be looked into for redresser of our grievances.

Encls: As above.

Yours faithfully


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