Friday, 10 September 2010

Lonand-Phaltan-Baramati Project:

CAG Report Observation

3.1.3 Central Railway: Idling of investment in construction of a new line –Baramati to Lonand via Phaltan The decision of the Railway to construct the line between Baramati and Lonand via Phaltan without ascertaining the availability of land as well as traffic prospects, has not only resulted in delay in completion but also likely to prove the entire investment (Rs.30.17 crore already spent) as redundant In June 1997, Railway Board asked Central Railway to update the survey report for construction of a new line between Baramati and Lonand via Phaltan. Though the construction of line was not considered financially viable, Railway Board sanctioned the work in 1997-98 mainly on the ground of providing rail transport to the people and creating a shorter rail link between north and south for transportation of goods traffic.

One of the objectives of this project was also to relieve pressure from Ghorpuri Yard. Though the project was initially planned to start from Baramati end, the Railway Board instructed Central Railway to take up Lonand –Phaltan section in Phase I. Detailed estimate of the work amounting to Rs.138.48 crore was sanctioned in November 2002. Audit scrutiny of records revealed that though the process of land acquisition in Lonand – Phaltan section was initiated in October 2002, the actual possession was effected only after August 2007. In the meantime the work of construction of major and minor bridges was commenced in September/October 2003.

Despite incurring an expenditure of Rs.30.17 crore till March 2009, the physical progress of the work was only eight per cent and as of date no target date has been fixed for completion of phase I. The work in the remaining section viz Baramati to Phaltan has not commenced yet as Railway could not acquire land. In this connection the following audit comments arise:

Main objective for construction of the line was to provide a shorter link for traffic coming from north of Daund and going towards south of Lonand. The new line was to save extra haulage of 65 Kms for each wagon. Audit, however, noticed that non-completion of the line has deprived the Railway the benefit of shorter route. Besides, the objective of relieving pressure on Ghorpuri Yard was also not achieved.

While justifying the construction of this new line, Railway had observed that after opening of Konkan Railway and conversion of Miraj –Bangalore via Londa section, the traffic pattern was likely to change drastically rendering this section redundant. Since most of the goods traffic coming from North of Manmad which is expected to move via new link is already passing through alternative route via Konkan Railway, and another shorter route viz Daund-Kurdvadi-Miraj would be available on completion of gauge conversion of Kurdvadi –Miraj section, the new line is likely to prove a waste.

Central Railway was aware that the area beyond dead end of Baramati station was heavily populated and as such it would be difficult to acquire the land. However, instead of first resolving the issue of acquisition of land for Baramati- Phaltan section, Railway commenced work in Lonand – Phaltan section. Even if the work on this section is completed the entire investment will remain unproductive till the link between Phaltan and Baramati is also est ablished which in the present scenario, is a remote possibility.

Thus the decision of the Railway to construct the line between Baramati and Lonand via Phaltan without ascertaining the availability of land as well as traffic prospects, has not only resulted in delay in completion but is also likely to render the entire investment (Rs.30.17 crore already spent) redundant.

When the matter was taken up with the Railway Board (September 2009) they stated (December 2009) that it will be circuitous to move the traffic coming from north of Daund via Konkan Railway route and the route via Daund-Kurdwadi-Miraj is longer than Daund-Baramati-Lonand-Miraj. It was added that the Daund - Kurdwadi is already saturated. Therefore, new line will be beneficial as being short and less saturated They stated that the investment made in the Lonand Phalton section would be utilized as the survey to link this section with Pandharpur via Phaltan has already been carried out and efforts are being made to finalise the alignment of–Phalton section.

The reply is not acceptable because Railway has already been carrying most of the traffic via Konkan Railway and the route via Daund-Kurdwadi-Miraj is only 14 Km longer. Moreover, the issue of acquisition of land for Baramati –Phalton section could not be resolved during the last seven years and the linking the Phalton section with Pandharpur will not serve the purpose for which the new line was sanctioned.

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